Essential Summer Grooming Tips for Your Pet

Welcome to Naturally Holistic Pet’s summer grooming guide! As the temperatures rise, it’s essential to keep our furry friends comfortable and healthy. Regular grooming during the hot months is not just about keeping your pet looking good; it also plays a crucial role in their overall well-being. In this blog, we’ll share essential summer grooming tips to help your pets stay cool, comfortable, and happy.

Why Summer Grooming is Important

The summer heat can be tough on our pets, especially those double coated breeds such as Golden Retrievers, Huskys, and Labs.  Really any dog that sheds that softer undercoat cannot regulate their body temperature with all of that extra fur hanging around. Dogs that have hair rather than fur get hot too.  Poodles, Bichons, Shih Tzus and Yorkies need regular grooming to prevent mats and long hair that cause them to become overheated.  Regular grooming helps to:

· Prevent Overheating: Removing excess undercoat, hair, and mats allows better air circulation to the skin, helping your pet regulate their body temperature.

· Reduce Shedding: Frequent brushing minimizes shedding and in turn reduces itchiness from the hair being trapped.

· Check for Parasites: Grooming is an excellent opportunity to check for ticks, fleas, that are more prevalent in the summer.

· Maintain Skin Health: Regular baths and brushing help remove dirt, pollen, mold, and other allergens that can irritate your pet’s skin.

Essential Summer Grooming Tips

1. Regular Brushing

Brushing your pet’s coat regularly helps remove loose hair, dirt, and tangles. For dogs with undercoat or long hair, brushing several times a week is recommended. This helps them naturally stay cool. Cats, especially long-haired breeds, also benefit from frequent brushing. Use a brush suited to your pet’s coat type for the best results. Not sure of the right brush or comb? Send us a quick email with a picture of your pet. We are happy to give some recommendations!

2. Bathing

Give your pet regular baths to keep their skin and coat clean. Use a pet-friendly shampoo, that is free of detergents, dyes and perfumes. They are safe to use weekly or even daily if needed.  Detergent can dry the skin, dyes and perfumes often cause dogs to break out or become itchy.  Be sure to rinse thoroughly to remove all shampoo residue, which can cause can clog pores causing itching and dryness. Conditioner is your friend!  Always use a conditioner to help release the undercoat and prevent matting.  Look for lanolin free, perfume free products. During the summer, a bath every few weeks is usually sufficient, but adjust based on your pet’s shedding and activity level.

3. Nail Trimming

Keep your pet’s nails trimmed to prevent discomfort and injury. Long nails can break easily and are very painful.  Unless you are professionally trained on how to trim your pet’s nails, always take your pet to a professional groomer or your veterinarian for proper nail trimming and grinding. The angle needed to promote healthy posture and joint health is very important. 

4. Ear Cleaning

Check your pet’s ears regularly for signs of infection, such as redness, odor, or excessive wax. Clean their ears with a vet-recommended ear cleaner to prevent infections, especially if your pet enjoys swimming. We recommend cleaning the ears with an ear cleaner that contains a drying agent after each swim as a preventive.

5. Paw Care

Hot pavement and rough terrain can be tough on your pet’s paws. Check their paw pads regularly for cuts, cracks, or foreign objects. Moisturize their paws with a pet-safe balm to keep them soft and healthy. This is best done at the end of your day so that it has time to soak in and do the job.


Make Grooming a Positive Experience

Grooming should be a positive experience for your pet. Use treats and praise to reward good behavior during grooming sessions. Be patient and gentle, especially if your pet is not used to regular grooming. You can also break up grooming into short intervals throughout your day to make it less stressful. Over time, they will learn to trust you and enjoy the process.

Anything Else?

I think we have touched on all of the important stuff! Remember regular summer grooming is essential for your pet’s comfort and health. By following these tips, you can ensure that your furry friends stay cool, clean, and happy throughout the hot months. For more tips on how to make your pets feel special every day, check back in on our blog!

Stay tuned for more insights from Naturally Holistic Pet, your trusted partner in holistic pet care.


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